Orkester Norden 2020
Orkester Norden Lahti is welcoming you all to Lahti Finland on summer 2020. For the next 4 years city of Lahti is hosting Orkester Norden together with Association of the Finnish Lions Clubs.
Facts about Orkester Norden 2020:
Who can apply: Orkester Norden is a symphony orchestra for young musicians who are 15 to 26 years old when the orchestra meets.
You can join if you are a student at a conservatory in Scandinavia or the Baltic States, or if you are a citizen of one of these countries and attend a conservatory in another country.
Keep in mind that even if you do not meet all the eligibility criterias, we still encourage you to apply. You will be considered for any potential vacancies in the orchestra.
Application period Monday 2.12.2019 – Monday 13.1.2020
Rehearsal period in Lahti 23.7. –1.8.2020 (23.7. being arrival date, rehearsals are held in Lahti Concert Hall from 24.7. onwards)
Tour dates 2.–7.8.2020 (last concert 6.8.in the evening)
Sunday 2.8. yet to be confirmed
Monday 3.8. Ristinkirkko church, Lahti, Finland (concert being part of Lahti Organ Festival)
Tuesday 4.8. ISME world conference, Helsinki
Thursday 6.8. Young Euro Classic-festival Berlin, Germany
Program 2020: Nielsen: Symphony 4 / Mahler: Symphony 1
First half of the concerts to be confirmed later, updated information can be found later www.orkesternorden.com
Conductor: Eivind Gullberg Jensen
Soloist: Jonathan Roozeman
Section instructors
1st violin, Adam Grüchot, Kristiansand Symphony Orchestra
2nd violin, Arne Jørgen Øian, Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra
Viola, Mina Fred, Athelas Sinfonietta
Cello, Ilkka Uurtimo, Lahti Symphony Orchestra
Double bass, Michael Karlsson, The Royal Swedish Opera
Woodwinds, Viktor Wennesz, Danish Royal Life Guard Orchestra
Brass, Ingemar Roos, Norwegian Academy of Music
Percussion, Heikki Parviainen, The Finnish National Opera
How to apply
Applications materials have been updated for 2020. New materials can be requested from: https://www.orkesternorden.com/how-to-apply/
Fill in the application form here: https://forms.gle/5LAj1wEf7kbkN4Tw9
Once we have received your application form we will send you link to our video audition website with the application instructions. Your audition videos are reviewed and evaluated by our team of instructors.
Other information
Like previous years participation in ON ’20 is free and travel during the rehearsal period/concert tour is included. We also provide daily meals and shared rooms during this time.
More practical info will be sent to you if you get an invitation to the orchestra.
NOTE: You must pay your own travel to Lahti/Finland and from Berlin/Germany.
Keep in mind that you can apply your local Lions Club for a travel grant. About the travel grant, contact the local Lions Club first. For more information about the travel grant you can contact Lions ON Coordinator in the Nordic countries:
Nordic NSR Coordinator, PID Tapani Rahko: trahko@kolumbus.fi
Sweden, Martin Enqvist: martin@enqvist.info
Norway, Kari Sandøy-Jarman: jarman@online.no
Denmark, Lisbeth Andreasen: lana@sonderborg.dk
Finland, Erkki Voutilainen: erkki.voutilainen@pp5.inet.fi
Iceland, Jóhanna Valdemarsdóttir: hannanuma@gmail.com
Contact information
Producer Henna Keihäs: orkesternorden.lahti@gmail.com or henna.keihas@lahti.fi tel. +358 50 383 6551.